The Compliance Organization
In 2017 Hartmann Spezialkarosserien GmbH set up a compliance management system. The previous regulations have been combined in an integrated compliance system. The aim was to meet requirements in the international competition, in particular in cooperation with the chassis suppliers such as Daimler AG or Volkswagen AG. The standardised code of conduct has been incorporated into our compliance policy and is accessible to all employees via the intranet at any time. In order to secure and impart latest compliance standards in-house training takes place on a regular basis held by external specialists. In April 2019 an ombudsman was introduced as latest module of our compliance management system for the time being.
Today, no company can be imagined without corporate compliance. With this code, HARTMANN SPEZIALKAROSSERIEN GmbH provides its employees with clear guidelines that must be observed in everyday work.
In order to implement the corporate rules and regulations, but also to be able to combat violations of the law or internal rules and regulations, as well as to meet legal requirements, HARTMANN SPEZIALKAROSSERIEN GmbH has implemented a whistleblower system on the basis of the EU Whistleblower Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report infringements of Union law), which aims to protect persons who report infringements. This serves as our central instrument for reporting suspicious cases at HARTMANN SPEZIALKAROSSERIEN GmbH. To underline the system's position of trust, we have set up the internal reporting office with an independent, external lawyer.
The whistleblower system is available to all employees as well as business and cooperation partners or other stakeholders as a central point of contact who wish to provide a confidential and anonymous tip on the suspicion of such a criminal offence or similarly serious irregularities relating to HARTMANN SPEZIALKAROSSERIEN GmbH. Due to the confidentiality and anonymity of the tips, it is ensured that the identity of whistleblowers is reliably protected and not disclosed. Every piece of information reported there is checked by our external Chief Compliance and Data Protection Officer - this guarantees that no tip-off leads to a hasty reaction or prejudgement. The whistleblower system thus offers HARTMANN SPEZIALKAROSSERIEN GmbH the opportunity to react very quickly to grievances, avert reputational damage and improve internal processes, thereby contributing to strengthening the trust of employees, customers and business partners in the integrity and responsiveness of HARTMANN SPEZIALKAROSSERIEN GmbH as well as an efficient compliance management system.
In case of infringement, please contact:
Lawyer Dr. Jens Müller
Winkeler Straße 76
65366 Geisenheim
Tel.: +49 6722/994 994 8
With the entry into force of the Whistleblower Protection Act, it has been possible to use the reporting channels of the Federal Office of Justice since 2 July 2023. On the website of the Federal Office of Justice, reporting channels are published through which whistleblowers can contact the external Federal Reporting Office. Reports can be made electronically, in writing, by telephone or in person to the External Federal Reporting Office.
The data is processed in Germany, is EU-DSGVO compliant and meets the requirements of the EU Whistleblower Directive.